From the moment Bas and I met, there was an instant sense of familiarity. Two creatives—he with his music, I with my art—drawn together by something deeper. Over time, we felt increasingly certain that our meeting was no coincidence. We had a shared purpose: a mission to make the world more beautiful.
Creativity is something we’re all born with. Think back to your childhood. As a child, creativity is second nature. In kindergarten, learning is playful and free. Yet as we move through the education system, creativity is gradually stripped away. Systematically so. And what a loss that is! Creative minds are the ones who innovate, solve problems, and make life richer. They bring the world to life through music and art, becoming storytellers through words, sound, or imagery.
For far too long, the arts and culture sector has been pushed aside—underfunded, undervalued, and overlooked. But things are starting to change. Slowly but surely, the creative industry is finding its voice. Municipalities are beginning to encourage creative initiatives in unused spaces. The tides are shifting.
Bas and I have a growing vision—one that is becoming clearer with every step. A place where all forms of creativity come together under one roof. A space where egos are left behind, and meaningful collaborations take root. In a world that so often celebrates individual achievements, we aim to foster collective success.
We can already see it. We can feel it. And we know this will grow into something incredible. The excitement is contagious, and we hope to bring you along for the journey. Because the world needs more creatives—visionaries working together to make life just a little more beautiful.
With love,
Debbie ❤️
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